Advertising is a paid form of communication and thus, hiring an agency for the purpose would increase the cost of advertising. Therefore, many of you may be cautious hiring an advertising agency with a view to creating an awareness of your brand, for instance. This is a fallacy almost in any part of the world that people often think they know everything about advertising. Though it may sound trivial, the reality is that advertising is a profession that demands core competence in understanding a lot of factors beforehand with a view to giving birth to a successful campaign. Having said that, we mean, a successful campaign is the one where you can profit from its ROI (return on investment).
It is important to mention here that not every campaign that you see around you is not a successful one. It further connotes that advertising is the job of a bunch of experts dealing with the different departments of it such as creative ideation, branding ideas, product communication, and creating top of mind awareness to name a few here.
Key areas of a successful advertising:
Creating brands: A brand is essentially a bunch of perception that businesses across the world take years to build. However, there are five essential elements of marketing that help in creating brands namely product, price, place, promotion, and people. Advertising comes under promotion. Having said that, we mean, despite all other elements of marketing doing fine in your favour, unless you do a promotion bespoke to needs of your business from time to time, your entire exercise to create a brand will go in vain. In fact, there are hundreds of examples of failed brands all over the world that summarily failed to connect with the TG (target group).
Understanding your brand: Before an advertising agency offers to work for you, it must try to assess the current positioning of your brand in the market. Brand positioning doesn’t talk about physical placement. It is about the understanding of your brand in the minds of your customers and prospects.
Understanding your TG: Taking a clue from the above, it is important to keep touch with the TG all the time. It further connotes that your advertising campaign should also address negative publicity if any, while creating awareness about your brand, products, and how it would serve the TG’s purpose on a continuous basis.
Successful execution: Successful execution of a campaign is also a part of the KRA of an agency that matters in creating top of mind awareness.
Media selection: It is indeed an important part of an agency that helps your brand to reach the TG in innovative ways and thus, helps you remain at the top of mind awareness.
Likewise, there may be some more parameters that would be relevant with a view to creating a successful advertising for your business. Therefore, play safe and hire an advertising agency with a proven credential that, in turn, will help you achieve your business goal in sync with your business priorities. It is something like consulting a doctor in need.